Architecture During the Epoch of Peter the Great (1703-1725)
Architecture, St Petersburg, maximaphily, House of Peter the GreatAbstract
The purpose of the study is to provide the historical truth about the role played by monarchs in the creation of St Petersburg in various historical periods. In this article, the specific period embraces the years 1703–1725. In addition, with the help of this article, the methodology for creating maximum cards as artefacts has been appro-bated and has been able to cover an extensive historical period. The relevance of this study is explained by the revival of interest in viewing historical architectural monuments as objects of social memory and gaining a visible and dynamic expression over time.
The following research methods were used: information and data collection, which allowed the chronology of historical events to be reconstructed, the study of documents regarding the events associated with the erection of certain architectural objects; biographical research; methods of maximaphily, where the artefacts of the study are maximum cards created on the basis of the author's methodology.
The results of the research contribute to the revitalization of a newly emerging extended social memory, which releases fresh vigour into the culture of the nation, thus contributing to increasing interest on the part of the popu-lation towards re-evaluating historical events.
In founding St Petersburg, the Emperor Peter the Great created the outpost for Russia’s development towards European culture, so that the process of transformation he had started would continue into the future.
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