The Honoris Causa Degree in Conservazione dei Beni Culturali to Friedrich Krinzinger. Considerations on the conservation on the spot of excavation finds
Friedrich Krinzinger, Professor of Classic Archaeology at the Vienna University and director of the Austrian Archaeological Institute has been interested in the techniques and in their applications in archaeology since he was young and he funded and ran IDEA in Vienna, Center of interdisciplinary research for the application of natural sciences to archaeology. He was director of the Austrian archaeological mission in Ephesus and worked at a large covering of a housing complex in Hefesus, that was unearthed in the Sixties of the XX century, full of frescoes, mosaics, stuccoes and marbles, the so-called “Hanghaus 2”. In this way he solved the problem of safeguarding on the spot the manufactures that were found in the excavations and he adopted a new system, in terms of size and ideas, in the field of conservation. If an archaeological site with ruins, that is the product of the work of archaeologists and restorers, is placed under a large covering with highly modern materials there are new problems for the viewer and this gives food for thought on the past and on the conservation of the site.Downloads
How to Cite
Russo, E. (2004). The Honoris Causa Degree in Conservazione dei Beni Culturali to Friedrich Krinzinger. Considerations on the conservation on the spot of excavation finds. Conservation Science in Cultural Heritage, 4(1), 349–358.
Copyright (c) 2004 Eugenio Russo
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