Notre-Dame Cathedral in cinematic interpretations


  • Tatiana Portnova Kosygin State University of Russia, Moscow, Russian Federation



historical heritage, great buildings, image, cinema, Gothic architecture


Notre Dame de Paris is a building with a huge architectural and artistic wealth, but at the same time, it is very mixed in its influence on the surrounding world, since the structure performs historical and cultural as well as political and national functions. The purpose of this study is to study the role of Notre Dame in cinema and analyze its representation on the big screen. We have chosen the following theoretical research methods: analysis and synthesis, descriptive analysis, comparative analysis, historical analysis, systematization, generalization. In the course of the study, the appearance, architectural composition, cultural and historical significance of the Cathedral was analyzed. A comparative analysis of various cinematic interpretations was also carried out, where the image of Notre Dame Cathedral was used. The study, moreover, created a chronology of the main events that have taken place there, from its foundation to today. It was found that Notre Dame Cathedral is a source of inspiration for artists, as it is one of the greatest buildings not only in France, but also in the whole world, the cultural and historical heritage leading to the creation of art works expressed in different forms dedicated to Notre Dame or indirectly using its image. The research materials may be useful for specialists in the field of cinematographic art or historians whose subject of research is Notre Dame Cathedral.




How to Cite

Portnova, T. (2023). Notre-Dame Cathedral in cinematic interpretations. Conservation Science in Cultural Heritage, 23(1), 197–212.


