Tourist Activity of Skansens in the System of Intangible Cultural Heritage
national tradition, exhibition, communication, museum object, museum toposAbstract
The article examines the study of skansens (open-air museums) in the system of intangible cultural heritage of the country (Ukraine). The research methodology is to apply the historical, bibliographic and analytical methods the authors investigated to write the article. The scientific novelty of the work is to substantiate the feasibility and application of a new model of open-air tourist activity in the system of intangible cultural heritage of different countries. Peculiarities in tourism development in post-industrial society have influenced the conceptual approach to the museum topos that has evolved from representative-decorative to the closed topos of public expositions, symbolic topos of the post-industrial era, to the open topos of skansens and the virtual topos of interactive museums. The spread of skansens as interactive open-air expositions pay attention to changes that have taken place in the cultural and socio-economic life of modern society. New trends in the development of active consumption in the social and economic spheres, globalization, and the appearance of cultural and creative branches have determined the new activities of Skansens, which have been transformed from museums that merely displayed ethnographic collections, to socio-cultural complexes, directed towards developing the recreational and aesthetic potential of leisure activities, the formation of a spiritual personality, and the strengthening of family values and traditions.
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Copyright (c) 2021 Stepan Dychkovskyy, Larysa Liashenko

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